WSL stands for Windows Subsystem for Linux, where Linux operation system calls are translated into Windows system calls, resulting in a better Linux experience. Install and set up Command Syntax Highlight.Install and set up Fishhook-like Autocompletion.Setting up Visual Studio Code to start from within WSL.Installation and setup of ColorLS (LS with Icons).Installation and setup of Z (Smart Directory Jump).Installation and setup of FZF (Fuzzy Search).Installation and setup of Powerlevel10K (Widgets alongside shell prompt).Installation and setup of zsh and Oh-my-zsh.Installation and customization of Windows Terminal.Here’s a short breakdown of the contents: Where you should consider usefulness vs speed. The list of plugins covered is a pick and choose approach. This guide is meant for absolute beginners for setting up a Linux shell environment on Windows 10. If you follow this guide the end result should look like the GIF I’ve captured below: Microsoft have come a long way in the past few years with Azure and embracing Linux as the developers’ choice. The main one being that I finally built myself a desktop PC and switched away from my trustworthy 7 year-old Macbook Air. I’ve also switched to Windows as my primary development environment due to variety of reasons. Since writing Setting up Oh-my-Zsh, I’ve levelled up in terms of shell usage and customization.